NANNING deservedly enjoys,its reputation as a garden city."Be careful,fruits might hit you,"locals say without exaggeration. The city’s streets are lined with fruit-bearing tropical trees, such as coconut,mango and jackfruit,and residents love to sit in the shade of magnolia trees.Jacaranda trees line its many bicycle paths, pinangs decorate its restaurants,and local residents cultivate a variety of flowers on their balconies.In this humid city,the streets are always covered in greenery,even in the depths of winter.
NANNING deservedly enjoys,its reputation as a garden city."Be careful,fruits might hit you,"locals say without exaggeration. The city's streets are lined with fruit-bearing tropical trees, such as coconut,mango and jackfruit,and residents love to sit in the shade of magnolia trees.Jacaranda trees line its many bicycle paths, pinangs decorate its restaurants,and local residents cultivate a variety of flowers on their balconies.In this humid city,the streets are always covered in greenery,even in the depths of winter.