
鮸鱼仔鱼摄食功能骨骼早期发育研究 被引量:2

Study on the skeleton development in relation to their feeding habit in Miichthys miiuy larvae
摘要 采用硬骨-软骨双染色技术,详细地研究了鮸鱼仔鱼各发育阶段摄食功能骨骼的形态发育和骨化特征。在孵化后至4日龄(体长3.0mm)仔鱼,舌弓、鳃弓、悬骨系以软骨形式,而鳃盖骨系、上下颌则以纤维化骨质逐步出现并相继硬骨化,至34日龄(7.8mm)仔鱼,除方骨、后翼骨和中翼骨外,其它骨骼完全硬骨化。研究结果表明:鮸鱼仔鱼摄食器官的骨骼在短时间内硬骨化,为开始主动摄食提供了必要条件,表明仔鱼阶段已具备了摄食能力。 Based on clearing and staining method, morphological characteristics of the early skeleton development in relation to their feeding habit were observed in Miichthys miiuy larvae. Ossification started upon the 4th day after hatching at 3.0 mm BL (body length). Hyoid arch elements were cartilaginous in 3.0mmBL and became ossified in 7.8mmBL, whereas interhyal retained cartilaginous condition. Also Branchial arches were cartilaginous in 3.0 mm BL and then ossified gradually. In suspensorium, not only hyomandibular, symplectic, palatine and pterygoid were earlier occurred cartilaginous than quadrate, metapterygoid and endopterygoid but also ossified early. Opercular apparatus, jaws showed a different developmental style. They started from fibrous to full ossified bone. Up to the 34th day (7.8 mmBL), most of skeleton elements became fully ossified besides quadrate, metapterygoid and endopterygoid. These results showed that the osteologieal development had completed in the early stage of Miichthys miiuy. The short period of ossification process showed that it had the ability to early feeding.
出处 《水产学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期704-710,共7页 Journal of Fisheries of China
基金 国家科技部支撑计划子项目(2007BAD43B01) 上海市重点学科建设项目(Y1101)
关键词 鮸鱼 仔鱼 骨骼 早期发育 Miichthys rniiuy fish larvae skeleton early development
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