目的:建立一个快速、简便、行之有效的连续测定电子、电器产品中多种邻苯二甲酸酯的GC-MS检测方案。方法:参考并针对EPA8061方案,免去硅胶柱或SPE柱净化,氮吹扫浓缩后,采用索氏提取、旋转蒸发浓缩的易推广设备,二氯甲烷定容上机检测。结果:方法的线性范围0.5~3.0μg/m l;线性回归系数r^2=0.9999,δ=0.0636(n=10),6δ=0.382;加标回收率97%~103%;RSD≈5%。结论:经对多批次的各种电子、电器产品及玩具中8种邻苯二甲酸酯分析测定,得到预期的满意结果。
Objective:The extraction procedures were developed for electrical and electronic products.Methods:The samples were extracted in soxhlet tubes for 6 hours.The dichloromethane extracted solution was concentrated to 10ml quantificationally and its phthalate content was determined by GC-MS.Results:The results were satisfied that the RSD approached 5%,the recovery was 97%~103%,the linearity range was 0.5~3.0 μg/ml and the correlation coefficient was 0.9999(r^2).Conclusion:The proposed method is accurate and highly active.It can be used to analyze electrical and electronic products.
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology