

The Singpore Biennale 2008
摘要 新加坡双年展是新加坡最重要的国际当代艺术盛事。2008年新加坡双年展由国家艺术理事会(NAC)组织,南条史生(Fumip Nanjo)、佐思丽那·克鲁兹(JoselinaCruz)、魏明福(MatthewNgui)策划,于9月11日至11月16日对公众开放。本届双年展集中展示来自三十六个国家和地区(包括新加坡)的五十多名艺术家的作品。2008新加坡双年展的主题是”奇迹”,旨在探索我们当今世界里的奇观、梦幻和谜的创造。它发出了对当今世界的一次挑战.这个世界不再怀疑选择。 The Singapore Biennale 2008 Singapores's premier international contemporary visual arts event will open to the public from 11 Septenther to 16 Noverber,2008. Organized by the National Arts Council, the biennale will feature a total of more than 50 artists and art collectives from over 36 countries and regions including Singapore. The Singapore Biennale 2008,through its theme "Wonder",proposes to investigate the articulation and creation of marvels,riddles and illusions in our world today. Its concept^aal scope issues a challenge to the contemporary world, a world that no longer questions choices, nor allows for things and events to awe us.Through contemporary art, "Wonder"calls on us to question and be curious; to reach beyond the surface,surpassing the apparent and to allow ourselves to be surprised, awed, tantalised and challenged. All of which is an aperture to the world. "The artworks selected will attempt to cut through the fabric of the politically and socially constructed and perceptual limits, of our world,"Artistic Director Fumio Nanjo remarks. "Consequently, some of these works engage our minds and our senses upon terrain that is unexplained,unfamiliar and, at times, seemingly consistent with trickery,or present things of unutterable beauty, that we are held at awe in their presence. A major part of the biennale program involves cultivating a deeper public engagement with contemporary art. This will be conducted through a series of talks,workshops and events, which provide a discursive platform for Singaporeans to voice issues and concerns pertinent to art and society. In addition, a series of education projects focusing on primary and secondary school children will accompany the biennale, which is called "Kids' Biennale".
出处 《艺术当代》 2008年第9期38-40,共3页 Art China
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