
战后国际援助潮流评析——发展轨迹及其特点 被引量:1

A Review of the Post-War International Aid Tide: Historical Evolvement and Characteristics
摘要 二战后对外援助成为涉及东西关系、南北问题的重要国际关系课题。对外援助实践的机制化、规范化为国际援助潮流的形成奠定了制度基础,经济合作与发展组织、联合国、世界银行以及国际货币基金组织等多边国际机构成为了主导国际援助舆论的主要场所。国际援助潮流以发展经济学为理论基础,在东西关系的制约以及北方国家的主导下,冷战时期经历了由关注经济增长到关注收入分配、贫困消减,再到关注经济结构调整的发展过程。后冷战时期,国际援助潮流一方面强化和扩展了结构调整的内涵,出现政治化倾向,另一方面也出现了对20世纪70年代贫困消减、伙伴关系等援助主题的回归。 During the post-World War II period, foreign aid becomes an important issue of international relations, which combines the North-South problems with the East-West issue. The post-war normalization and institutionalization of the practice of international aid constructs the institutional foundation of the developemt and evolution of international aid fashions. The postwar core international organizations such as OECD/DAC, UN, IBRD, UN and IMF become the main occasions where the international consensus about aid are formed. The intemational aid fashion is greatly shaped by the evolution of East-West issue although it seeks its theoretical foundation from the development economies. During the Cold-War period international aid tides experience an evolution from focusing on economic growth to income distribution and poverty reduction, then to structural adjustment. In the post-Cold War era, international aid tide shows a tendency to enforce and enlarge structural adjustment which more and more extending to political fields as well as a tendency to reecho the 70's aid tide of poverty reduction and donor-recipient partnership building.
作者 彭云
出处 《湖南师范大学社会科学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第5期43-46,64,共5页 Journal of Social Science of Hunan Normal University
关键词 东西关系 南北问题 发展经济学 国际援助潮流 east-west issue north-south problem development economics intemational aid fashion
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