Together with the RMB appreciates continuously, the trade surplus between China U.S.A is still becoming larger, which challenges the traditional international finance th.eory. On basis of this, this paper studies the problem trade. The paper establishes the comparative from the perspective of the intra-product division static model to analyze the relationship between and the and exchange rate and trade balance, and gives an example and regression equation to analyze empirically by using of the related data of China-U.S.A in 2004-2006.The conclusion is that the application of Marshall-Lerner condition will change and it should be modified, and the sensitivity of the trade balance to the fluctuation of exchange rate will decline. At the same time, because the degree of intra-production division and trade is different in various industry, the degree of sensitivity decline for the trade balance to the fluctuation of the exchange rate is different, which has some policy implication for our country.
Exchange rate
Trade balance
Intra-product division and trade
Marshall-Lerner condition