

On Acquisition of Speech Act in Second Language
摘要 在二语言语行为的研究中,有无必要习得、能否习得、如何习得二语的言语行为是研究重点。通过梳理二语语言水平与二语言语行为的关系、二语学习者是否能达到操母语者言语行为水平、言语行为能否教学等问题,最后得出结论:提高二语言语行为能力应与提高二语言语能力一起进行;显性的言语行为教学是有效的,也是言语行为习得的途径之一。 The research in second - language speech acts focuses mainly on why, whether and how it can be required.Austin's Speech Act Theory falls into three types: locutionary acts, illocutionary acts and perlocutionary acts, and it provides a base for second language speech acts. The essay aims at a conclusion after making clear the following aspects: 1. the relation between language competence and sec- ond language speech acts;2, the probability of non- native speakers achieving the speech acts as native speakers; 3. whether speech acts can be taught directly.
作者 舒清云 秦恺
出处 《成都大学学报(教育科学版)》 2008年第10期85-87,共3页 Journal of Chendu University:Educational Sciences Edition
基金 广西省教育厅"大学外语自主学习中心软环境建设与管理的改革"(项目编号:桂教高教【2005】168)阶段成果
关键词 二语 言语行为 言语行为理论 习得 second language speech act speech act theory acquisition
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