
化工园区安全规划发展历史回顾 被引量:25

Developmental Review of Land-use Planning of Chemical Parks
摘要 系统回顾了化工园区安全规划的发展历史,简要介绍不同国家化工园区安全规划的分区制思想以及相应的法律法规要求。以1970年代中期为界,化工园区安全规划历史大体可分为两个阶段。第一阶段基本确立了土地利用规划分区制的思想,风险越大,工业活动就建设在距人居环境越远的区域。但由于没有量化的理论和方法支持,因此,不能准确确定合适的安全距离。第二阶段从科学的土地利用规划开始并得益于定量风险评价的日趋成熟和广泛使用。由于能够定量计算出比较准确的安全距离和可承受风险,因而可以更好地进行工业活动分区和安全规划。目前单纯基于风险的安全规划暴露出一定的局限性,人们不仅要考虑工业活动的潜在风险,而且需要综合考虑经济、社会、环境、生态以及人文历史等诸多因素,因此,急需研究能够综合处理复杂问题的安全规划理论和方法。回顾历史并分析和比较,笔者认为,科学的安全规划是预防重特大事故的根本措施之一,健全的法制基础是实施安全规划的必要保障,风险评价技术是实施安全规划的有力武器。取得的研究成果对我国化工园区以及其他工业园区的建设具有一定的借鉴和启迪作用。 The developmental history of the Land-use Planning (LUP) of chemical parks was reviewed systematically; the idea of "zoning" system and its corresponding legal requirement of LUP in different countries were briefly presented. The history of LUP of chemical parks probably can be divided into two stages at the boundary of the mid-1970 s. The idea of "zoning" system was basically established in the first stage; the higher the risk of industrial activities was, the farther their locations were apart from habitations. But the proper safety distances could not be defined because no quantitative theories and methodologies could be used. The scientific LUP really started at the second stage. The stage was benefited from more developed quantitative risk assessment .(QRA) and comprehensive application of them. The zones of industrial activities and LUP could be better carried out by the proper safety distances or the accepted risk calculated through QRA. At present, the limitation of LUP only based on risk began to appear and human had to take into account not only the potential risk of industrial activities, but also other factors such as economy, society, environment, ecosystem, culture and history, and so on. Therefore, the integrated theories and methodologies of LUP that could deal with complex problems would be starved for. Through the review, it was concluded that scientific LUP was one of the underlying measures preventing major accidents, perfect legal system was necessary guarantees to implement LUP, and risk assessment technologies were powerful weapons to implement LUP. This study provides some reference and edification for the building of chemical parks or other industrial parks in China.
出处 《中国安全科学学报》 CAS CSCD 2008年第8期140-149,共10页 China Safety Science Journal
基金 国家科技支撑计划项目(2006BAK01B02)
关键词 化工园区 安全规划 土地利用规划 分区制 定量风险评价法(QRA) 法律法规 chemical park safety planning land-use planning zoning quantitative risk assessment (QRA) laws and regulations
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