

Design and Implementation of Stereo Video System
摘要 立体视频是今年来视频处理领域的研究热点,是未来视频技术的发展方向。本文介绍了立体视频点播系统的结构框架,简要介绍了H.264视频编码标准,给出了基于H.264的立体视频编码方案,设计了立体视频的传输方案,最后实现了一个基于简单网络环境下的立体视频点播系统。 Stereo video is a hot-point in the field of video processing recently and it is also the direction of video technology in the future. Firstly, tiffs paper introduces the stereo video VOD system structure and H. 264 video coding, gives a stereo video eodee based on H. 264 and designs the method used to transfer the stereo video. In the end, a stereo video VOD system based on the simple network is realized.
出处 《计算机与现代化》 2008年第10期21-23,共3页 Computer and Modernization
基金 北京市教育委员会科技发展计划面上资助项目(KM2005112320092)
关键词 立体视频 H.264 点播 视差 stereo vide H. 264 VOD disparity
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