

Understanding Pentaquark State with Quark Models
摘要 用夸克退定域色屏蔽模型来讨论多夸克系统中的热点问题:五夸克态!+的可能结构并说明所用模型的有效性,可推广性.采用绝热近似法计算了正四面体结构以及其它多种结构的混合效应.结果显示:正四面体结构中负宇称态的能量低于正宇称态,最低能量为1 530 Mev,接近实验报告值,这里可能存在共振态;多结构混合能量远高于四面体结构.因而借助模型中的色屏蔽效应可能可以代替多夸克系统中多种颜色结构的多体相互作用效果,使计算大为简化. Generally, the muhi-quark calculation is a multi-body interaction and multi-channel coupling one. Quark delocalization color screening model was developed aiming at the multi-quark system. We studied the recently reported pentaquark state with the tetrahedral structure and the mix of structures in the framework of quark delocalization color screening model (QDCSM). The detail was under the adiabatic approximation for the possible structure, the effectiveness and the spread of the model. In this model, the negative parity state was found at a lower mass than the positive parity one. It is possible to obtain the minimum mass of pentaquark 1 530 Mev, which is close to the experimental value and much lower than the one of the mix of structures. The results show the possible existence of resonance and the model's probable replacement of the effect of multi-body interaction in the multi-structure to simplify the calculation.
作者 龚丽英
出处 《南通大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2008年第3期35-39,共5页 Journal of Nantong University(Natural Science Edition) 
关键词 五夸克态 夸克退定域色屏蔽模型 正四面体 多结构混合 pentaquark quark delocalization color screening model tetrahedral structure the mix of structures
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