
岛津500mA X线机升级为平板DR系统

Shimadzu 500mA X-ray Machines for Flat-panel DR System Upgrade
摘要 目的:探讨普通X线机数字化改造升级的可能性及优势,以适应医疗设备数字化和建立数字化医院及数字化远程医疗的要求。材料与方法:改装升级我院老旧的已使用多年的普通X线机,保留原有球管和机架,安装新一代直接能量转换平板探测器Saturn 9000DR系统,代替原有的胶片设备。结果:升级后的新系统拍摄了全身各部位影像约2000张,图像质量优质标准达到99%,保持无故障运行。结论:Saturn 9000DR系统易嫁接于各种普通X线机,且升级改装经济、方便,性能可靠,是各级医院进行数字化升级改造的良好选择。 Purpose: To find out the possibilities and advantages of upgrading the general X - ray machine into the digitalone, that can be cope with the required digital X- ray machine/medical equ/pment in the small hospital and rural medical service department, where the advanced medical equipments are lacked. Materials and Methods: An ordinary X- ray machine, which has been used for many years has been converted and upgraded into digital one, in which the original tube and scan rack has been replaced by a new generation of direct energy conversion fiat - panel detector - Satum 9000 DR System. Results: We took the several images of the different parts of body ( around 2000 images ) with newly assembled machine. About 99% of all images achieved the lfigh- quality standards and the system is running effectively without any technical errors. Conclusion: Saturn 9000DR system is not only easy to be grafted in all kinds of ordinary X - ray machine but also economically convenient and reliable. Tiffs method can be the better choice in rural hospitals and in countylevels.
出处 《现代医用影像学》 2008年第4期164-166,共3页 Modern Medical Imageology
基金 2007年陕西科技公关项目资助 资助号码:2007K15-G31
关键词 升级 数字化 平板DR Upgrades Digitalization FPD - DR
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