从海外直接投资企业区域根植性(regional embeddedness)理论的角度出发,立足于实际考察、问卷调查和大量中外统计资料分析的基础上,以延边地区韩资企业为例,研究了海外直接投资企业经营惯行的区域根植性特征.具体从韩资企业与投资区域的社会经济主体和网络内在联系出发,重点分析了企业组织、决策体系,雇佣及劳动惯行,政府和协会等支援机关的关系,指出了韩国企业在延边区域根植化过程中存在的问题和政策性建议.
In order to explore the characteristics of regional embeddedness of Korean firms in Yanbian, with special reference to management practices. Attempt to analyze the type and the structure of this firm, the structure of decision--making, labor practices, inter-- organizational networks with the government, trade associations and the business supporting agencies for achieve the goal. The major purpose of investment in Yanbian by Korean firms is to penetrate and expand the local market. In line with this, the structure of deci- sion- making by Korean firms tends to become increasingly autonomous, especially in terms of employment and marketing. However, the related to finance and accounting of decision-making tends to be still highly controlled upon the headquarter in Korea. In addition, it is shown that Korean firms make a great effort to sustain the cooperative relationship with the local society and the local government .
Agricultural Science Journal of Yanbian University