

Analysis and Design of Multi-Mode Buck DC/DC Converter
摘要 为提高轻载下DC-DC变换器的效率,设计了一种降压型多模式DC-DC变换器控制芯片。其特点是在不同负载条件下采用不同的工作模式:在重、中载条件下采用脉宽调制(PWM),轻载条件下采用Burst调制,从而明显提高轻载条件下的效率。同时,采用片上集成功率开关管和同步整流管,提高了功率密度和变换器的效率。该芯片采用BCD1.5μm工艺实现。仿真结果表明,在重载和轻载条件下,变换器效率分别达到90%和80%以上。 To improve the efficiency of DC-DC converter at light load condition, a multi-mode high efficiency buck regulator was proposed. The circuit operates in different working modes for different load conditions, i. e. PWM mode for heavy/medium load conditions and Burst modulation mode for light load condition, which results in obvious improvement of efficiency at light load condition. The converter was designed and simulated in 1.5 μm BCD technology. Simulation results showed that the converter had an efficiency above 90% and 80% at heavy and light load conditions, respectively.
出处 《微电子学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期722-726,共5页 Microelectronics
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(90707002)
关键词 降压型 DC-DC变换器 多模式 脉宽调制 Burst模式 Buck-mode DC-DC converter Multi-mode PWM Burst-mode
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