
高速加工技术在加工旋翼夹头中的应用 被引量:2

High-speed processing technique application in rotor grip machining
摘要 高速加工技术不但能大大缩短零件的加工周期,从而降低加工成本,而且能提高加工精度。详细介绍了应用高速加工技术制造铝制U型夹头的关键技术和测试结果。硬质合金端铣刀和定期的软件分析能够预测最佳的加工参数以确保稳定的U型夹头铝制工件的切削。通过应用该项技术,在不损失加工精度和加工质量的前提下,其加工运行时间比传统加工技术所需要的加工运行时间缩短了3-4倍。 The main purpose of this paper is to show the results of a machining test,which compared the application of high-speed processing technique to conventional machining technique on an aluminum clevis configuration,in condition of no loss of accuracy or quality,machining runtimes are 3 to 4 times faster.The high-speed processing technique were conducted by using special high-speed machine equipment,carbide end mills,and frequency analysis software is used to predict the best machining parameters for stable cutting in a rotor-like aluminum work pieces.One purpose is significantly to demonstrate that higher manufacturing productivity can be made on these types of rotorcraft parts by using this technology.Secondary purpose is to provide an overview of the general concepts of high-speed processing and how to gain optimized machining parameters of this type of process.
作者 赵立 刘迎春
出处 《沈阳航空工业学院学报》 2008年第4期60-62,共3页 Journal of Shenyang Institute of Aeronautical Engineering
关键词 高速加工技术 旋翼夹头 加工精度 high-speed processing technique rotor grip
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