

Achromic nevus with porcelain-white lesions:a case report
摘要 报告1例皮损中有瓷白色斑的无色素痣。患者女,24岁。出生时右侧颈肩部有色素减退白斑,近半年白斑中出现瓷白色斑,并逐渐增多,无自觉症状。皮肤科检查:右侧颈肩部带状分布片状不规则色素脱失斑,其间密集分布针尖至米粒大瓷白色色素脱失斑。白斑处组织病理检查:表皮角化过度,散在毛囊角栓,部分棘层轻度肥厚,基底层透明细胞增多,呈群集性分布,少量黑素颗粒。真皮浅层炎性细胞浸润。 A 24-year-old female had a history of hypopigmented patch along her right neck and shoulder at birth, and poreelain-white spots at the same region for six months. There was no subjective symptom. Physical examination showed an irregularly shaped, hypopigmented patch along her right neck and shoulder, with porcelain-white spots in the patch, the sizes of the spots were from 1 to 4 mm in diameter. Histopathalogic examination of skin specimens showed hyperkeratosis, slight acanthosis, scattered follicular plugs, and nests of clear cells in the basal layer, with a few melanin granules. Sporadic lymphocytic infiltration in the superficial dermis was also seen. The diagnosis of this case is achromic nevus with porcelain-white lesions.
出处 《临床皮肤科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第10期670-671,共2页 Journal of Clinical Dermatology
关键词 无色素 白斑 nevus, achromatic porcelain-white
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