
利用博客构建Web2.0时代的品牌社区 被引量:1

To Build Brand Communities by Blogs in Web 2.0 Era
摘要 传统的品牌社区无法完全超越地域的限制,随着互联网的兴起和网络使用者群体的增大以及Web2.0时代的到来,网络正成为用户之间沟通非常重要和常用的渠道,从早期的BBS系统,到现在活跃的博客系统,用户间对产品使用体验的交流也变得异常活跃。利用博客在虚拟网络世界构建品牌社区将为企业在新的竞争和营销环境中,提升品牌资产和建立企业竞争优势提供一条重要途径。 The traditional brand in communities cannot be entirely beyond geographical restrictions. With the development of internet and the increasing of network user groups and even the arrival of the Web2.0 era, the network is becoming particularly important and ordinary media among users for communication. From the early BBS system to the active blog system, the inter-users of the product experience exchanges have also become very active. The writer has put forward to build brand communities by blogs in the world of virtual network creatively, which has great theoretical value and also in practice field. That will promote brand equity and establish a competitive advantage for enterprise.
作者 王战 彭子玄
出处 《湖南城市学院学报》 2008年第5期25-28,共4页 Journal of Hunan City Univeristy
关键词 品牌社区 WEB2.0时代 博客 brand community web2.0 blog
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