

Improving Sliding-window Query Model over Data Streams
摘要 在数据流处理系统普遍使用滑动窗口查询模型来解决数据流的持续查询问题.对一些特殊的查询类型,在使用滑动窗口查询时无法完全达到查询要求,通过引入条件窗口对滑动窗口模型进行更一般化的扩展和改进,可以解决滑动窗口语义在处理这一类型查询中的局限性. The continuous sliding-window query model is used widely in data stream management systems. However, the existing sliding-window query models fail to answer some of the predicate-window queries. We proposed the predicate-window query model as a general model for window queries over data streams.
出处 《漳州师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 2008年第3期28-31,共4页 Journal of ZhangZhou Teachers College(Natural Science)
基金 漳州师范学院科学研究资助项目(SK07002)
关键词 数据流 持续查询 窗口语义 data Stream continuous query window semantics
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