
从批评视角解读The Humpty Dumpty Feminists

An Interpretation of The Humpty Dumpty Feminists from the Perspective of Critical Discourse Analysis
摘要 语篇的生成实际上是作者动用各种写作策略的结果,作者要表达的真实用义隐含其中。批评话语分析的目的就是通过运用合适的语言工具并参考相关的历史和社会语境来进行话语分析,这样就能够把隐藏在话语深处的语言意识揭示出来。文章结合批评话语分析和系统功能语言学理论,从语境:话语实践和社会实践,概念意义和及物性,人际意义和情态等三个方面,对Marrin的书评The Humpty Dumpty Feminists进行解读并分析,以期让读者透过字里行间对作者的观点有一个全新的、更深刻的理解。 The production of a text results from the writer' s application of varying writing strategies, with the intended meaning implied in the text. The purpose of Critical Discourse Analysis is to disclose language ideology. contained in the discourse by employing proper linguistic tools and taking into consideration relevant historical and social contexts. This paper aims to interpret and analyse Mamin' s reviews, The Humpty Dumpty Feminists from the folloning aspects : context, discourse practice and social practice ; ideational meaning and transitivity ; interpersonal meaning and modality, so that the reader can have a new and deep understanding of the writer's viewpoint by reading between the lines.
作者 邬静洁
出处 《宁波大学学报(人文科学版)》 2008年第5期57-60,共4页 Journal of Ningbo University:Liberal Arts Edition
基金 浙江省教育厅科研项目(Y200701969) 杭州市哲学社会规划课题(B08YY01)
关键词 批评话语分析 书评 解读 Critical Discourse Analysis : review interpretation
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