
淡水养殖用水中有机磷农药的多残留分析研究 被引量:2

Organic Phosphorous Pesticides Residues Analysis in Aquiculture Water
摘要 对乐果、甲基对硫磷、马拉硫磷3种有机磷农药在淡水养殖用水中的残留进行了检测分析;对有机磷农药多残留分析方法进行了优化和评估。按欧盟法规2002/657/EC要求,对方法的回收率与日内、日间精密度进行了实验室验证。对两种不同定义的“方法的检出限”进行了详细的估算和结果比较。结果表明:本试验方法淡水养殖用水在加标水平为2.0×10^-4、1.0×10^-3mg/L时,平均回收率91%~103%,变异系数7%以内;本试验中有机磷农药乐果、甲基对硫磷、马拉硫磷在二倍信噪比法的检出限为9.1×10^-5、1.3×10^-4、1.6×10^-4mg/L;USEPA定义的检出限为1.4×10^-4、3.3×10^-4、2.0×10^-4mg/L。结果符合欧盟制定的规定和要求。 Multiresidue method was studied and optimized for the determination of Organic Phos- phorous Dimethoate, Methyl parathion and Malathion pesticides residues in aquiculture water. A single laboratory validation was performed based on recommendations by EU. Discussion, detailed estimation procedures and comparison on two defined "Method Detection Limit" were given. The results show that an average recovery of 91% to 103 % with coefficient variation less than 7 % were both achieved for the fortification levels of 2.0 × 10^-4 mg/L to 1.0 × 10^- 3 mg/L in aquiculture water, respectively for Organic Phosphorous Dimethoate, Methyl parathion and Malathion pesticides in aquiculture water, the limit of detection(LOD) for this method as defined by two times sigal to noise ratio(blank sample) was 9.1 ×10^-5- 1.6× 10^-4 mg/L and by US EPA was 1.4 ×10 ^- 4 - 3.3 × 10^- 4 mg/L respectively. The results are up to the standard set by EU regulations.
出处 《金陵科技学院学报》 2008年第3期94-98,共5页 Journal of Jinling Institute of Technology
关键词 淡水养殖用水 有机磷农药 残留分析 aquiculture water organic Phosphorous pesticides residues analysis
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