From the aspects of technology evolution, theory, system structure and rendering methods of virtual studio, the advantages of virtual setting system comparing with the traditional studio are comprehensively analyzed. Although virtual setting system roots in virtual studio, real -time rendering graphics workstations, camera sensor system and time delay system for scene supporting are omitted, and its price are much lower; pre- scenes method is adopted in virtual setting system, so the computer performance requirement is lower than that in real - time rendering. Edge processing, antialiasing, ray - tracing and special lens effect on three - dimensional object are better than real - time rendering, the image cutting effect is as fine as that from expensive three - dimensional virtual studio. Considered from scene designing, producers' creativity can be smoothly embodied. Furthermore, it has a better upgrade space. As a consequence, virtual setting system is very suitable for meteorological video service.
Meteorological and Environmental Sciences
virtual setting
real - time rendering
virtual scene