
扬子鳄体温与环境温度关系的初步分析 被引量:5

Preliminary Analyses on Relationship between Body Temperature of Chinese Alligator and Its Environmental Temperature
摘要 在人工饲养下,对非繁殖的扬子鳄(Alligator sinensis)体温及其所处的环境温度进行了测定,并对其体温与环境温度的关系进行了分析。经过一年的测量,得出体长为(116.83±32.26)cm(n=183)的扬子鳄年均体温为(18.81±8.08)℃(n=183),雄性体温为(20.81±9.69)℃(n=42),雌性体温为(17.81±8.56)℃(n=69);在活动期(4~11月),扬子鳄的体温为(25.54±5.24)℃(n=89),水温为(25.42±5.20)(n=89),两者间无显著性差异(P〉0.05);在冬眠期(12月至翌年3月),扬子鳄的体温为(10.78±1.90)℃(n=94),冬眠期的地表温为(10.64±1.74)℃(n=94),两者间无显著性差异(P〉0.05)。结果表明,扬子鳄的体温受其周围环境温度的显著影响,而不受其体长及性别的影响。即扬子鳄的体温由其长期接触的环境介质的温度决定,其中水环境是控制活动期鳄体温波动的最重要介质。初步推测扬子鳄的偏爱体温范围是28~33℃。 Body temperature of non-breeding Chinese Alligators (Alligator sinensis ) in captivity and the environmental temperature (water temperature and atmosphere) were measured for a whole year. The yearly body temperature of alligators with body length 116.83 ± 32.26 cm ( n = 183)was 18.81 ± 8.08℃, male was 20.81 ± 9.690C ( n = 42) and female was 17.81 ± 8.56 ℃ ( n = 69), respectiveley. The body temperature of alligator in the active period from April to November was 25.54 ± 5.24℃ ( n = 89), while the water temperature was 25.42 ± 5.20℃ ( n = 89). No significant difference was found between body temperature and water temperature ( P 〉 0.05 ). In hibernating period (December to March of next year), the body temperature of Alligators was 10.78 ± 1.90℃ ( n = 94)and the ground surface temperature at the hibernation point was 10.64 ± 1.74℃ ( n = 94). No significant difference was recorded between their body temperature and ground surface temperature ( P 〉 0.05 ). The results indicated that the body temperature of Chinese Alligators was significantly influenced by the environmental temperature, but not by its body length and gender; water environment was the most important control factor for the fluctuation of the body temperature. The prime body temperature ranged of Chinese alligators was 28 - 33 ℃ .
出处 《动物学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期76-79,共4页 Chinese Journal of Zoology
关键词 扬子鳄 体温 环境温度 Chinese Alligator Body temperature Environmental temperature
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