
社交性应激反应问卷中文版在大学生中应用的信效度初步评价 被引量:5

The Reliability and Validity of Chinese Translation of RSQ-SSV in Undergraduate Student
摘要 目的:建立社交性应激反应问卷(RSQ-SSV)中文版,并分析其信、效度。方法:按量表翻译程序将RSQ—SSV翻译成中文,整群分层选取409名大学生进行RSQ—SSV中文版的测量。随机抽取90名学生于初评后一个月进行重测,并与美国样本进行比较。结果:RSQ-SSV中文版整个问卷的Cronbach α系数为0.88,各因子仅系数在0.73~0.81之间;重测信度为0.70;全量表的条目间平均相关系数为0.11,5因子的条目间平均相关系数在0.19~0.29之间,因子间相关系数在0.12~0.76之间;条目对因子负荷系数在0.38—0.86之间,复相关系数在0.14—0.74之间;验证性因子分析的指标:IFI为0.93,CFI为0.93,TLI为0.92,RMSEA为0.06。中国大学生样本的不随意的逃避反应因子得分高于美国大学生样本[(0.97±0.41)vs.(0.91±0.48),P=0.002],而初级亲近控制应对反应、次级亲近控制应对反应、不随意的亲近反应得分均低于美国大学生样本[(1.75±0.49)vs.(2.12±0.50)、(1.51±0.43)vs.(1.80±0.48)、(1.17±0.44)vs.(1.36±0.56),均P〈0.001]。结论:RSQ-SSV中文版具有良好的信、效度,可以试用于我国大学生社交性应激反应的测评。 Objective: To examine the rehability and validity of Chinese translation of the Responses to Stress Questionnaire in reference to current social stressors ( RSQ-SSV ) . Methods: The English version of the RSQ-SSV was translated into Chinese and then back translated into English to verify that the Chinese version assessed the same constructs as the original version. Stratified chester sampling method was used to 409 university students. Means and standard deviations of the RSQ-SSV total scale and factors were compared to the normative samples reported by Cormor- Smith ( 2004) Additionally, internal consistency, test-retest and confirmatory factor analyses were analyzed. Results : The internal consistency reliability for the total scale was 0. 88, and for the five factors ranged from 0. 73 to 0. 81 and the four weeks test-retest reliability coefficient was 0.70. The mean inter-item correlation coefficient for the RSQ-SSV was 0. 11, and the mean inter-item correlation coefficient for the five factors ranged from 0. 19 to 0. 29. The factors loadings ranged from 0. 38 to 0. 86. The squared multiple correlations were 0. 14 to 0. 74. And the results of confirmatory factor analyses ( IFI 0. 93, CFI O. 93, TLI 0. 92, RMSEA 0. 06 ) indicated that the five-factor structure of the RSQ-C was suitable for the Chinese sample. In comparison to normative samples , Chinese adolescents reported significantly higher scores on the Involuntary Disengagement than American sample [ (0. 97± 0. 41 ) vs. (0.91 ±0. 48) , P =0. 002] and reported significantly lower scores on the Primary Control Engagement Coping, Secondary Control Engagement Coping and Involuntary Engagement than American sample [ ( 1.75 ±0. 49) vs. (2. 12 ± 0.50), (1.51±0.43)vs. (1.80±0.48}, (1.17±0.44) vs. (1.36±0.56), P〈0.001] .Conclusion: The Chinese version of the Responses to Stress Questionnaire ( RSQ ) in reference to current social stressors with aceeptable psychometric quality can be applied in related psychological research areas.
出处 《中国心理卫生杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第10期775-778,780,共5页 Chinese Mental Health Journal
关键词 应对 不随意反应 大学生 信度 效度 心理测量学研究 coping involuntary responses undergraduate student reliability validity psychometrics
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