

Studies of Key Technology over Interest-Based Peer-to-Peer Network
摘要 本文提出一种基于兴趣的P2P网络架构和分布式IDF计算方法,并且改进了友邻节点探测机制。该架构结合非结构化网络和兴趣网络。分布式IDF计算方法基于样本集估计单词的IDF值。自适应探测机制和基于TFIDF的特征选择方法有效的减少了探测信令的数目和尺寸,从而减小网络负载。 In this paper, we propose an interest - based peer - to - peer network and a distributed IDF calculating method, and improve friend detecting mechanism. IDF is calculated using samples. The friend detecting mechanism adopts adaptive method and TFIDF - based method to reduce message number and size.
出处 《微计算机应用》 2008年第10期42-47,共6页 Microcomputer Applications
关键词 对等网络 社区结构 TFIDF模型 peer - to - peer, community structure, TFIDF
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