
P2P VoD系统的关键技术研究进展

Research Advances in Key Technology of P2P-Based VoD Systems
摘要 结合现有的对等网络视频点播系统,分析了P2PVoD系统的关键技术及其研究进展,主要包括视频点播系统结构的构建、节点失效时的修复策略、数据片断的缓存和调度策略、对VCR操作的支持策略、以及QoS保证机制等等。 Based on existing P2P- based VoD systems, research advances in key techniques of P2P- based VoD systems are analyzed in this paper. We focus on constructions of structures of VoD systems, recovery strategies when node failure appears, strategies of how to cache and request data blocks, what to do when VCR requests are received, and mechanisms of QoS guarantees.
出处 《微计算机应用》 2008年第10期59-63,共5页 Microcomputer Applications
基金 863计划(编号:2005AA103320)项目资助
关键词 对等网络 视频点播系统 服务质量 Peer to Peer Networks, Video - on - Demand Systems, Quality of Service
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