
1952—1956“创造性达尔文主义”在中国普及的考察 被引量:1

The Investigation on the Popularization of "Creative Darwinism" in China,1952—1956
摘要 受新中国成立初期"全盘学苏"政策的影响,我国在发展生物学和农学方面,大力推广了苏联李森科推崇的"米丘林学说",即"创造性达尔文主义"。以往人们对李森科学说对我国生物学发展的危害有不少论述,但对其学说的根髓,即"创造性达尔文主义"的挖掘以及在我国的推广和危害深度的研究、分析还比较少。有鉴于此,本文集中考察1952年至1956年"青岛遗传学座谈会"以前,"创造性达尔文主义"以"达尔文主义"为载体在中国的普及,并对其出现原因以及对我国生物学发展史的影响进行初步的探讨。 In the early years of the People's Republic of China, the development of biology and agronomy was influenced by the "Overall Studies from Soviet" policy. In Soviet, a branch of evolution theory named "Creative Darwinism" or "Michurinism" was held in es- teem by Lysenko. There are a lot of articles discussed the harm to the development of biology in our country by Lysenko. But they seldom noticed the influence of "Creative Darwinism", which is the key point of his idea. Before "The Qingdao Conference of 1956 on Genetics" this article investigats from 1952 to 1956, in the popularization of "Creative Darwinism" or "Darwinism", tries to find the reason that why it appears, and discusses as its influence to the development of biology in China.
作者 周询
出处 《古今农业》 2008年第3期102-110,共9页 Ancient and Modern Agriculture
基金 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目(编号:KSCX2-YW-R-141)
关键词 创造性达尔文主义 李森科 米丘林学说 进化 Creative Darwinism, Lysenko, Michurinism, Evolution
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