
关于“代孕爸爸”事件的生命伦理与法律问题思考 被引量:3

Reflection on Ethics and Legal Problem of " Surrogate Father"
摘要 全球首位"代孕爸爸"托马斯.比提的高调出现,带来了一场激烈的关于生命伦理与法律的大讨论。变性人的婚姻、生育及代孕问题让我们不得不对变性手术、人工辅助生殖技术以及代孕技术这些新兴生命技术进行再思考。我们不仅要肯定新兴生命技术的合理性,也要防止其所产生的潜在负面影响。合理利用新兴生命技术,客观地分析该事件并制定相应的法规是避免出现伦理道德和社会混乱的有效途径。 The appearance of the world's first "surrogate father" ,Thomas Beatie, has brought us a fierce debate on ethics and law. We have to reconsider those new emerging life technologies such as sex-change surgery, assisted reproductive and agency of pregnancy technology under the pressure of marriage, fertility and surrogate issues caused by transgender men. Therefore, we should not only acknowledge the rationality of those technologies, but also be cautious of the potential negative impacts. Under such circumstances, only by making rational use of these new-emerging life technologies, making objective analysis and developing corresponding laws and regulations, can we find a way to avoid ethical problems and social chaos.
作者 邹涛
出处 《医学与哲学(A)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第10期18-19,共2页 Medicine & Philosophy:Humanistic & Social Medicine Edition
关键词 代孕 生命伦理 法律 agency of pregnancy technology, bioethics, law
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