
金朝儒学与文学 被引量:4

Confucianism and Literature in the Jin Dynasty
摘要 金朝儒学驳杂而不统一,流播着许多派别。新、旧儒学并存的格局是构成金朝文学的文化生态环境的重要元素之一。金朝境内旧儒学思想的回升,是整个古代儒学发展过程中的特殊运动形式。北宋理学诸流派起初潜存于民间,后来随着南宋理学逐渐北传以及文人纷纷涉足,新儒学终于在金末元初蔚为大观。终金一朝,盛行于士林、文坛并对创作产生决定性影响的理学派别是被认为非正宗的蜀学。文人对儒学的态度大致可分为两大类型:一种类型专门致力于研习和传播新、旧儒学,以纯儒自居;另一种类型博采杂取,兼容众说,于儒学之外又濡染释、老。儒学对金朝文学的意义主要反映在3个方面:首先,其思想观念和价值取向都程度不同地体现在各种文体的创作中;其次,出现了许多阐发儒家思想尤其是宋学的诗、文作品;再次,文学活动中的文以载道、修辞立诚的意识得以强化和深化。儒学对金朝文学的作用表现为正、负两方面。金朝作家和文学理论家较好地解决了文、道关系,在一定程度上减弱了儒家思想对文学的阻力。 Confucianism in the Jin Dynasty was heterogeneous and divided with various schools of thoughts. The co-existence of old and new schools of Confucianism constitute one of the important elements of the cultural ecological system of the Jin literature. The comeback of old Confucianism within the boundaries of the Jin Dynasty indicated a particular moving manner of the whole developing course of ancient Confucianism. Schools of Neo-Confucianism in the Northern Sung Dynasty were hidden among the mass, but in the Southern Sung Dynasty they spread to the North and attracted men of letters and boomed during the late Jin Dynasty and the early Yuan Dynasty. Yet the prevailing Neo-Confucianism that affected literary creation was the unorthodox Sichuan School. Men of letters held different attitudes to Confucianism: one group of them devoted themselves to the study and propagation of Confucianism old and new, and prided themselves on their "purity" ; the other were more tolerant, allowing their Confucianism to be supplemented by Buddhism and Taoism. Generally speaking, Confucianism' s significance to the Jin literature lie in the following three aspects : first, its idea and value were displayed in the various genres of literary creation at varying degrees ; second, there were many po- etic and prose works that elucidate Confucianism, especially the Neo-Confucianism of the Sung Dynasty; third, the sense that literary composition must express doctrines of Confucius and Mencius and writing works must be in line with sincerity was strengthened and deepened in literary creation. Confucianism had both ac- tive and passive influence on the Jin literature. The Jin writers and theorists made a considerable success on solving the relationship between writing art and political claims, and thus weakened the inertia and obstruction of Confucianism to literary to some extent.
作者 刘达科
出处 《江苏大学学报(社会科学版)》 2008年第5期56-64,75,共10页 Journal of Jiangsu University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 金朝 旧儒学 理学 文学 文道关系 Jin Dynasty old Confucianism Neo-Confucianism literature the relationship between writing art and political claims
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  • 2[5]陶秋英.程颢文论辑录[M]//宋金元文论选.北京:人民文学出版社,1984:149-150.











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