

Application of Split Inteins in Protein Production and Bioengineering
摘要 蛋白反式剪接是蛋白翻译后修饰的一种特殊机制,这一反应由断裂型内含肽自我催化完成,不需要酶和其他因子参与。与常规顺式的蛋白剪接不同的是,反式剪接是基于断裂型内含肽由N端和C端这两段多肽的高亲和力,精准地构建成一个具有剪接活性的内含肽蛋白质。反式剪接已被发展成新的生物技术应用于生产环化蛋白、构建蛋白定点与定时表达的载体和转基因植物,以及改造cDNA文库技术等。 Protein trans-splicing is a unique posttranslational modification process. This reaction is self-catalyzed by a split intein and requires neither auxiliary enzymes nor cofactors. Unlike conventional protein eis-splieing, split intein is based on high affinity of the N-and C-terminal segments of a split intein, which can be reconstituted into a functional intein protein. Trans-splicing has been developed as new tools for protein cyclization, transgenie plants and enhanced cDNA library method.
出处 《生物技术通讯》 CAS 2008年第5期724-727,共4页 Letters in Biotechnology
关键词 断裂型蛋白内含肽 反式剪接 环化蛋白质 CDNA文库 split intein trans-splicing protein cyclization cDNA library
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