5Polanyi,Michael,1983 ,Tacit Dimension, Peter Smith.
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7Ryle, Gilbert , 1946, "Knowing How and Knowing That", in Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol. 46.
8Grimen,Harald,1991,“Tacit Knowledge and the Study of Organization”,Bergen:LOS—Center.(原文是挪威文,先由Bjoem Wikner译出英文初稿,后由卑尔根大学科学论中心的Judith Lasen校正).
9Jonhannessen,K. S. 1990, "Rule Following, Intransitive Understanding and Tacit Knowledge-An Investigation of the Wittgensteinian Concept of Practice as Regards Tacit Knowledge", in Essays in Pragmatic Philosophy,Ⅱ, Norwegian University Press.