
二维水翼空化流动的数值模拟 被引量:7

Numerical simulation of cavitationg flow around two-dimensional hydrofoil
摘要 基于RANS方程,结合不同湍流模型与空化模型对粘性流中二维NACA66012模型水翼附近流场进行数值计算与模拟。计算得到固定攻角、固定来流速度时升力系数和阻力系数随空化数的变化规律以及固定空化数时升力系数随攻角的变化规律,并对相应流场进行分析。在二维水翼空化流动的准稳态模拟中,重点对比分析了不同湍流模型、空化模型对空化流动模拟结果的影响,并将计算结果与实验数据进行比较。研究结果表明,在二维水翼附近空化流动的数值模拟中,采用k-ω湍流模型和均相流空化模型计算得到的结果与实验数据吻合较好。最后,采用分离涡模型对不稳定的空化流动进行了瞬态模拟,并得到空化流动的变化规律。 The RANS equations with different turbulent models and cavitation models were used to simulate the flow around two-dimensional NACA66012 hydrofoil. In the case of fixed attack angle with fixed inlet velocity, the relation between lift- and drag-coefficients and cavitation numbers was obtained. In the same way, at a fixed cavitation number, the relation between lift coefficient and attack angles was gotten, and the corresponding flow field was analyzed at the same time. A key task in quasi-steady simulation was to contract and analyze the effect of different turbulent models and cavitation models on cavitating flow simulation. The comparison between numerical results and trial ones indicates that the turbulent model and homogeneous cavitation model are much better in caviating flow simulation. Finally, a transient simulation with DES model was made to observe unsteady cavitating flow.
出处 《海军工程大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2008年第5期95-100,共6页 Journal of Naval University of Engineering
关键词 空化 水翼 CFD 湍流模型 空化模型 cavitaion hydrofoil CFD turbulent model cavitation model
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