
医护人员工作压力与满意度比较及管理对策 被引量:5

A comparative study on job stress and job satisfaction between doctors and nurses and management strategies
摘要 目的:了解医生与护理人员对工作压力和满意度自我评价的差异;探讨工作满意度与工作压力的影响因素。方法:整群抽样方法对某市2所三级医院按科室分布抽取科室,对所选科室的所有在编医生与护士进行问卷调查。结果:工作压力大,工作满意度不高是护理人员与医生普遍感知的问题,而护理人员报告工作负荷重、工作压力大的人数比例高于医生;护士工作满意度低于医生工作满意度。结论:调查结果对医院管理人员及有关部门制定医院护理人力资源管理对策,合理配备与使用护理人力,减轻医护人员工作负荷与压力,提高其工作满意度有重要现实意义。 Objective: The purpose of the study was to understand the differences in perceived job stress and job satisfaction between doctors and nurses, thereby to explore the factors related to job stress and lob satisfaction. Methods: A stratified sampling method was used to select departments according to department distribution in 2 Grade 3 Class A hospitals in a city. of Shandong province. The selected full-time registered doctors and nurses completed a questiolmaire. Results: The common perceptions of both doctors and nurses were great job stress and lower level of job satisfaction. The percent of nurses who reported overload work and great pressure was much than that of doctors. Compared with doctors, nurses were more unsatisfied with their job. Conclusion: The study findings provide evidences for hospital managers or other departments to set up human resource management strategies, reasonable assignment and human resource utilization, and reduce workload and pressure of doctors and nurses, and increase their job satisfaction.
机构地区 潍坊医学院
出处 《中国护理管理》 2008年第10期44-45,共2页 Chinese Nursing Management
关键词 医生 护士 工作压力 工作满意度 doctor, nurse, job stress, job satisfaction
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