
西安市医保人群接种流感疫苗成本-效益研究 被引量:3

Cost-Benefit Analysis of Influenza Vaccination in Participants of Urban Workers' Medical Insurance in Xi'an city
摘要 目的评价西安市参保职工接种流感疫苗的成本-效益。方法以西安东方集团有限公司为研究现场,采用随机整群抽样方法,从全部12109名参保职工中抽取2829人进行问卷调查,并采用历史性队列研究方法对连续两个年份(2004年及2005年)的接种组和对照组进行回顾性调查。结果两个年份接种流感疫苗后3~7月接种组和对照组月粗住院率的差异最大,接种组小于对照组;基于人均费用差异计算出的2004年、2005年效益-成本比分别为7.64∶1及4.99∶1,流感疫苗接种产生的效益2004年为8860万元,2005年为7234万元。结论对医保人群进行流感疫苗接种具有较高的效益,可以节约医保基金。 Objective To assess the economic implications of a strategy for annual vaccination of social health insurants against influenza. Methods Dongfang Company was chosen as the experiment site in which there were 12 109 employees totally and all of them joined the social health insurance program. Cluster random sampling method was used to get a sample containing 2 829 employees. Questionnaires were used in the survey. An retrospective cohort study was used to examine the vaccine group and control group in the successive two years. The focal point was to evaluate the inpatient rate of vaccine group and control group for respiratory system diseases, cardiovascular diseases and other chronic diseases. Health services' utilization was also evaluated. Results In 3- 7 months after vaccination, the difference between the two groups was the biggest; the cost-benefit ratio (BCR) based on the difference of inpatient cost per capita between the two groups in 2004 was 7.64 : 1, in 2005 was 4.99 : 1. The benefits of vaccination in 2004 was 88.6 million yuan, in 2005 was 72.34 million yuan. Vaccination played a good role in saving the foundation. Conclusion Influenza vaccination has great benefits and the foundation can be saved.
出处 《中国药业》 CAS 2008年第20期21-22,共2页 China Pharmaceuticals
关键词 社会医疗保险 流感疫苗 成本-效益分析 对列研究 social health insurance influenza vaccination cost- benefit analysis cohort study
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