The Chronicle From the First Year of Jianyan, compiled by Li Xinchuan, is a must-read book for the study of the history of the Southern Song Dynasty which contains over 550 reference books and excerpts from ancients books or articles concerned, and has a significant philological value for the collation of ancient books. However, in both of the most widely available editions, i. e. the one published by Zhonghua Book Company and the other compiled in Si Ku Quart Shu, there exist quite a few problems, especially in the former edition. For example, a large number of words or sentences are missing in these editions. There are errors in the names of people and places as well as the narrative texts. In addition, wrong pauses in the unpunctuated ancient writings tend to enormously mislead readers. Therefore, it is urgent to collate The Chronicle From the First Year of Jianyan through the careful contrast of different editions so as to provide readers with a more reliable edition and increase the value of the book.
Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(Social Sciences)
The Chronicle From the First Year of Jianyan
the edition compiled in Yongle Canon
the edition published by Zhonghua Book Company
the edition compiled in Si Ku Quart Shu