【目的】为了探讨填饲前和填饲后鹅PPAR的表达规律,测定心脏、肝脏、脾脏、肺脏、肾脏、肌胃、十二指肠、全脑、胸肌、腿肌和腹脂中RT-PCR产物量,分析该基因表达量对肥肝重和腹脂重的影响。【方法】通过测定填饲前和填饲后鹅的各组织中PPAR的RT-PCR产物量,以GAPDH为参考,用Quantity One软件分析吸光值。【结果】填饲前鹅组织中PPAR-α表达量普遍较高;填饲后PPAR-α表达量在肺脏中显著增加,在腹脂中也有表达,在其它组织中表达量均下降。填饲前鹅组织中PPAR-γ表达量在肝脏、脾脏、肺、十二指肠和腹脂中较高,在其它组织中较低,填饲后PPAR-γ表达量在心脏、脾脏、肺、肌胃、肾脏中升高,在腹脂中下降,在其它组织中基本持平。【结论】PPAR的表达具有组织特异性,而且PPAR-α和PPAR-γ变化不一致,这可能与不同组织中PPAR亚型的功能差异性相适应的。
[Objective] In order to investigate the expression pattern of PPAR genes before and after forced-feeding and examine the effect of expressed PPAR levels on weights of fatty liver and abdominal fat in geese, the RT-PCR products of PPAR genes in heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, stomach, small intestine, brain, breast muscle, let muscle and abdominal fat were determined in these two periods. [Method] RT-PCR was used to determine the expression levels of PPAR genes. Quantity One software was used to analyse absorbency, and the expression levels of GAPDH genes were used as reference. [Result] Expression levels of PPAR-α were relatively high in most of detected tissues, but undetectable in abdominal fat tissue before forced-feeding, and the level was evidently increased in lung, appeared in abdominal fat tissue, and reduced in the other tissues after forced-feeding. Expressed PPAR-T levels were relatively high in liver, spleen, lung, small intestine and abdominal fat, and relatively low in the other tissues before forced-feeding. Expressed PPAR-γ levels were enhanced in liver, spleen, lung, stomach and kidney, but decreased in abdominal, and without obvious changes in the other tissues. [Conclusions]Expression patterns of PPAR genes show specific-tissue manner. In addition, expression patterns of PPAR-α are different from PPAR-γ after forced-feeding. It is suggested that different functions of PPAR subtypes are involved in response to forced-feeding.
Scientia Agricultura Sinica