Genome rearrangement is an important mode of the evolution of living things. Though the arrangement process is very complicated, there are three basic operations: translocation, reversal and transposition. The signed translocation problem is to find out the minimum number of translocation operations as well as the sequence of translocations required to transform one genome to another. As to this problem, there are three polynomial-time algorithms. The former algorithms omit a case when analyzing even-isolation. The omited case as well as the method to find a valid transloation in this case are presented in this paper. All the three algorithms are implemented to a software named SGBT, whose effenciency is better than the former software-CTRD. The computing performance of the three algorithms are compared and evaluated by analyzing the random data computed by SGBT. It is indicated that the computing efficiency of the three algorithms is almost the same when the number of genes is between 0 and 70,000. However, the difference can be seen when the number of genes is between 80,000 to 100000. Furthermore, the larger the number of genes is, the more palpable the difference is. Finally, the partial data of genomes of men and mice are sorted by SGBT and the result is given.
Computer & Digital Engineering
algorithm, genome rearrangement, translocation