分析跨平台、跨语言的Web Services应用软件开发技术,构建一种基于C/S+SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol)的软件架构。在.Net平台上使用ASP.NET建立了Web Services,将SOAP机制引入数据传输过程中,在此基础上设计并实现了印章治安信息管理系统中跨网异构数据的传输,并在实际应用方面取得了成功。
In this paper, we study applied software development technology of Web Services based on cross - plat- form and cross- language, and construct a software architecture based on C / S + soap (Simple Object Access Protocol). In. Net Platform we establish a progress, and design an inter web services using ASP. NET, introduce the Soap mechanism into the data transmission network heterogeneous data transmission in Seal Information management system. This system wins great achievement in practical use.
Computer & Digital Engineering