
Ki-67、ER和PR在子宫腺肌病中的表达及意义 被引量:4

Expression and significance of Ki-67,ER and PR in adenomyosis
摘要 [目的]探讨Ki-67、ER和PR在子宫腺肌病中的表达及生物学意义。[方法]采用免疫组化法检测Ki-67、ER和PR在子宫腺肌病增殖期异位内膜和在位内膜、不典型增生、正常子宫内膜及子宫内膜癌中的组织定位和表达强度。[结果]子宫腺肌病的异位内膜腺体中Ki-67表达(40/46)高于在位内膜腺体(30/46),P<0.05。Ki-67的表达子宫腺肌病的异位内膜(40/46)、子宫内膜不典型增生(21/23)及子宫内膜癌(20/23)等病变的腺体组织中,均明显高于正常内膜(2/22),P<0.01。ER和PR在子宫腺肌病在位内膜腺体中的表达分别为41/46和41/46,分别高于其在异位内膜的表达32/46和33/46;异位内膜间质中PR表达(30/46)低于在位内膜间质(44/46),差异有显著性意义(P<0.01)。[结论]Ki-67异常表达与子宫腺肌病异位内膜的过度增殖和子宫内膜瘤变关系密切,而ER、PR的低表达及Ki-67表达的增高与子宫内膜的侵袭性生长有关。 [Objective] To investigate the expression of Ki-67,ER and PR in adenomyosis and biological significance.[Methods] The expression of Ki-67,ER and PR was detected by immuno-histochemical method in adenomyosis,atypical hyperplasia,endometrial carcinoma and normal endometrium.[Results] The expression of Ki-67 in ectopic endometrium(40/46) was higher than that in eutopic endometrium in adenomyosis(30/46),P〈0.05.The expression of Ki-67 was much higher in adenomyosis(40/46),atypical hyperplasia(21/23),endometrial carcinoma(20/23) than that in normal endometrium(2/22),P〈0.01.The expression of ER and PR in glandular tissue of eutopic endometrium was 41/46 and 41/46,higher tnan that in ectopic endometrium 32/46 and 33/46.The expression of PR in ectopic endometrim stroma(30/46) was lower than that in eutopic endometrium stroma(44/46),P〈0.01.[Conclusions] Abnormal expression of Ki-67 might be involved in proliferation and pathogenesis in adenomyosis,being similar biological behavior to endometrial carcinoma.The variation of expression level of ER,PR and Ki-67 may be related to invasive growth of endometrium.
出处 《大连医科大学学报》 CAS 2008年第5期417-419,427,共4页 Journal of Dalian Medical University
关键词 子宫腺肌病 KI-67 雌激素受体 孕激素受体 adenomyosis Ki-67 ER PR
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