
论胡塞尔的“发生现象学转向” 被引量:1

On Husserl's "Genetic Turn of Phenomenology"
摘要 胡塞尔后期转向发生分析的引发动机的问题和发生现象学与前期静态现象学的关系问题,是系统把握胡塞尔先验现象学的运思路向及其完整形态的理论关节点。然而正是在这个关节问题上,国际现象学界却存在着重大分歧,可谓观点纷呈,立场各异,并且多停留于个别零星的考察而缺乏系统的梳理和论证。有鉴于此,本文就发生概念的本质内涵、"发生现象学转向"的引发动机和静态现象学与发生现象学的关系等三个最基本的方面进行探讨,以为进一步的深入研究开辟道路。 The problem of theoretical motivation to turn into genetic analysis in later Husserl and the correlation between genetic phenomenology and his earlier static phenomenology are theoretical keys to understand systematically Husserl's thought of transcendental phenomenology and its complete shape. However, there are so many divergences on this problem in international phenomenological circles that various opinions and standpoints compete against each other. What's more, these opinions are limited to fragmentary investigations and are short of systematical accounts and demonstrations. In consideration of this, this paper analyzes respectively the essential meaning of genesis, the theoretical motivation of "genetic turn of phenomenology" and the correlation between genetic phenomenology and earlier static phenomenology. Consequently, it opens up a path to further investigation.
出处 《西北师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第5期32-39,共8页 Journal of Northwest Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 广东省哲学社会科学"十一五"规划课题"论胡塞尔的‘被动综合’问题与先验现象学的可能性"阶段性成果
关键词 胡塞尔 发生 静态现象学 发生现象学 发生现象学转向 Hussel genesis static phenomenology genetic phenomenology genetic turn of phenomenology
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