旅游资源是旅游业发展的基础,旅游资源的分类、调查、评价是旅游业发展过程中的重要环节,也是旅游资源开发的基础和前提。国家标准GB/T 18972-2003《旅游资源分类、调查和评价》的制定与推行,为地方旅游的发展提供了规范性的文本,各级旅游部门都以此为依据开展工作,但各地在应用的过程中,也发现该标准存在诸多问题。从旅游规划实践中的旅游资源评价出发,运用对比分析方法及文献资料法,对《国标》中旅游评价赋分标准存在的若干问题进行了分析,认为《国标》中存在主观性、局限性及不完善性,在此基础上,提出了对其进行改进的建议。
Tourism resources are the basis of tourism industry, and its classification, survey and evaluation is also the basis of the exploration of tourism resources, which plays an import role in the process. GB/T18972-2003 of Tourism Resource Classification,Survey and Evaluation provides the development of tourism in rigional places with a regulative documentation because tourism administration at all levels use it to do their work. However, they also find many problems in it. By using comparative research method and documentaion method, this paper analyzes such probles as subjectivity, limitation, incompletion in GB, and also gives some suggestions to improve it. The suggestions are connecting qualitative methods with quantitative methods when evaluationg tourism resources and strenthening the evaluation of both the quantity and quality aspects of tourism resources. At last, the autor concludes that the reason why many defects exist in GB/T18972-2003 is the extensiveness and complexity of tourism resources. With the changes of tourism planning ideas and conceptions and the development of tourism planning practice, we should change our ideas, content and method to do better in evaluating tourism resources to meet the demand of tourism planning and development. To sum up, we should make use of the power of both theoretical and practical field, with the help of advanced ideas and method from overseas, to amend, perfect and update GB/T18972-2003.
Tourism Forum