
油料洞库油气爆炸抑制数值模拟 被引量:2

Numerical Simulation on Fuel-air Mixture Explosion Suppression in Underground Oil Depot
摘要 根据受限空间油气爆炸及抑爆过程的发展规律和机理以及爆炸燃烧和抑爆的特点,建立了基于分步反应控制机理的爆炸燃烧及抑爆模型,解决了爆炸及抑爆发展过程中火焰和压力波相互耦合机制,克服了化学反应与多相流动耦合时计算和存储方面的困难,缓解了控制方程求解时的“刚性”,数值仿真结果与实验吻合较好。研究显示,火焰在传播过程中,由于受到湍流和气体流动影响,形状不断发生变化,不是一直加速传播的,而是呈一定波动范围加速传播的;在狭长受限空间内,油气混合物的爆炸压力和火焰速度会大幅升高,不加以抑制将导致严重的破坏后果;在押爆区由于抑爆剂强烈的物理、化学抑制作用以及两相间进行的能量和动量交换,充满抑爆区的抑爆剂云(雾)能很好地阻断爆炸燃烧火焰的持续传播,从而使爆炸压力失去油气持续燃烧所提供能量的补充而迅速衰减,爆炸传播迅速得到抑制。 The explosion combustion model of fractional reaction control mechanism is established based on the previous experimental results, the regularity and mechanism of the fuel-air explosion and explosion suppression in confined space and the characteristics of explosion combustion and explosion suppression. The difficulties in calculation of reaction and flow coupling and storage can be overcome for easier numerical solution by the model. The results show that the flame is deformed in the process of propagation because of the effects of turbulence and flow. It accelerates in a fluctuations scope but not accelerats all the time. The explosion pressure and flame speed will increase substantially in the long narrow confined space. It will lead to serious consequences if not suppressed. When it is suppressed, the suppressant cloud restrains the propagation of the flame and explosion pressure because of the strong restraining effect of the explosion suppressant, and the energy and momentum exchange between the fuel-air and particle phase. The pressure wave is weakened because there is no energy added that is provided by gas-oil combustion. The explosion propagation is suppressed. The theory reference and key design parameters are provided for the development of the subsequent device for explosion suppression.
出处 《后勤工程学院学报》 2008年第4期13-18,共6页 Journal of Logistical Engineering University
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50276069) 重庆市自然科学基金资助项目(2007BB9096)
关键词 油气混合物 受限空间 爆炸及抑爆 数值模拟 fuel-air mixture confined space explosion and explosion suppression numerical simulation
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