The Party' s first generation of central collective leadership with Mao Zedong at its core made hard explorations for the'second combination'of Marxism-Leninism with the practice of Chinese revolution and construction and laid the foundation of socialism with Chinese characteris- tics.The Third Plenary Session of the CPC Eleventh Central Committee ushered in the new period of reform and opening up.In his opening speech at the Twelfth National Congress of the CPC Deng Xiaoping put forward for the first time the proposition of'building a socialism with Chinese charac- teristics'.With the blazing and expansion of the new road of building socialism with Chinese charac- teristics,in the fifteen years from the Twelfth National Congress the theory of socialism with Chi- nese characteristics was generalized and expounded for a dozen times;at the Fifteenth National Congress this theory was officially named'Deng Xiaoping theory'.The Party' s third generation of central collective leadership with Jiang Zemin at its core put forward and expounded the important thought of'Three Represents',raising the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics to a new stage.Since the Party' s Sixteenth National Congress the Central Committee with Hu Jintao as its General Secretary put forward,in connection with the theme of building socialism with Chinese characteristics,the thinking of scientific outlook on development and the goal of building a moder- ately prosperous society in all respects,which enrich and further develop the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics.The political report at the Party' s Seventeenth National Congress pene- tratingly elaborates the system of theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics and embodies the latest achievements in the adaptation of Marxism to Chinese conditions.
Contemporary China History Studies
socialism with Chinese characteristics
system of theories
forming process