
北京市公共场所成人被动吸烟及其危害认知情况 被引量:30

Passive Smoking in Beijing Public Places
摘要 目的了解北京市公共场所成人被动吸烟情况及其对烟草危害的认知和态度。方法采用面对面问卷调查形式,拦截调查4类29个公共场所18岁及以上成人被动吸烟及相关情况。结果被访者现在吸烟率29.2%,男性(53.0%)高于女性(6.0%),差别有统计学意义(P<0.05),60岁~组(32.9%)低于其他年龄组人群(P<0.05),大专及以上学历者(30.0%)低于其他学历人群(P<0.05)。被动吸烟率39.0%,40岁~组(46.8%)高于其他年龄组人群(P<0.05),不同性别和学历人群的被动吸烟率差别无统计学意义(P>0.05)。被动吸烟危害健康、被动吸烟的人更易得心脏病、吸烟者的妻子更易得肺癌、子女更易得哮喘或呼吸道疾病的知晓率分别为92.7%,71.9%,74.9%和84.4%,各知晓率在不同性别、学历人群间的差别均有统计学意义(P<0.05),女性好于男性,高学历人群好于低学历人群。学校、医院、公共交通工具、办公室、餐厅和酒吧全面禁烟的支持率分别为90.7%,87.0%,86.9%,71.8%,47.2%和35.5%,吸烟者对各类公共场所全面禁烟的支持程度均低于非吸烟者(P<0.05)。室内娱乐场所全面禁烟只占19.9%。结论北京市公共场所禁烟现状不容乐观,被动吸烟现象严重,需加强法律建设,加大被动吸烟危害的宣传力度,减少公共场所被动吸烟现象。 Objective To describe the prevalence of passive smoking among adult people in Beijing public places. Methods The people intercepted in the offices, hospitals, emporiums and waiting rooms in airport, trains or coaehs were investigated by the questionnaire. Results The current-smoking rate was 29.2%, and 53.0% for male and 6.0% for female (P〈0.05). The rate in people aged upon 60 yrs was the lowest (39.0%)(P〈0.05), so was the people graduated from junior college and university (30.0%)(P〈0.05).The passive smoking rate was 39.0% and it was the highest in people aged from 40 to 59 (46.8%) (P〈0.05). There was no difference in the passive smoking rates between male and female (P〉0.05) and between different degree of education (P〉0.05). 92.7% of the objects knew that passive smoking was harmful. 71.9% knew that passive smoking made people suffering from eardiopathy more possibly. 74.9% knew that the wife whose husband smoked were easier to catch lung cancer. And 84.4% knew that the child whose parent s smoked more possibly took asthma or respiration disease. The correct rates of the four knowledge points were different among different gender and the degree of education, which was higher in female than in male, and higher in high education degree than in the other (P〈0.05). 90.7% of the people claimed in supporting banning of smoking in the school, and 87.0% in the hospital, 86.9% in the public vehicles, 71.8% in the office, 47.2% in the dining-room and 35.5% in the taproom. The supporting rates of no-smoking in public places were lower in smoking people than that in no-smoking people. No-smoking indoors was implemented in only 19.9% of the entertainment locations. Conclusion The smoking situation in the public places was ubiquitous in Beijing. To reduce passive smoking in the public places, the law and the education should be strengthened.
出处 《中国慢性病预防与控制》 CAS 2008年第5期461-464,共4页 Chinese Journal of Prevention and Control of Chronic Diseases
基金 2006年中央补助地方烟草控制与健康教育项目--中国公共场所被动吸烟监测
关键词 烟草 被动吸烟 公共场所 Smoking Passive smoking Public places
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