
血压水平与腰身指数、瘦素的相关分析 被引量:2

Relationship among waist-height ratio,leptin and average blood pressure levels
摘要 目的:探讨血压水平与腰身指数、瘦素的相关性。方法:对2006年12月至2007年7月入疗养院体检的军地疗养员共702人,测量身高、体质量、腰围、血压,用放射免疫法检测瘦素,并按不同水平血压分为正常血压组(324例)、正常高值血压组(232例)、高血压组(146例)三组进行分析。结果:随着血压增高,腰身指数、瘦素水平也增高,三组之间两两比较均有非常显著性差异(P<0.001);相关性分析显示,腰身指数和体重指数与收缩压、舒张压、脉压差、瘦素明显相关(r=0.302~0.466,P<0.001;r=0.262~0.353,P<0.001),但腰身指数的相关性优于体重指数。结论:腰身指数、体重指数、瘦素均可作为血压水平的预测和评估指标,从简易而准确的角度看,腰身指数更具实用性。 Objective: To find out the relationship among waist-height ratio (WHtR) and leptin and blood pressure. Methods: A total of 702 people were surveyed. Height, weight, waist circumference and blood pressure were meas- ured. Leptin was measured by means of radioimmunoassay. The patients were divided into normal blood pressure (BP) group (324 eases), high normal BP group (232 cases), hypertension group (146 cases). Results: With the increase of blood pressure, the WHtR and leptin increase too. There was significant difference among the three groups respectively (P〈0. 001). The correlative analysis showed that WHtR and BMI had positive correlation with SBP, DBP, PP, leptin significantly (r= 0. 302 ~0. 466, P〈0. 001; r= 0. 262 - 0. 353, P〈0. 001). The correlation between WHtR and incidence of hypertension was higher than that of BMI. Conclusion: WHtR, BMI, leptin all can be a prediction and evaluation indexes of blood pressure, As a simple and effective index, WHtR may be more practical.
出处 《心血管康复医学杂志》 CAS 2008年第5期464-466,共3页 Chinese Journal of Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Medicine
关键词 血压 体重 瘦素 Blood pressure Body weight Leptin
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