
在获得和失去情境中儿童风险决策的发展特点 被引量:1

The Development of Children's Risk Decision in Gain and Loss Conditions
摘要 以5~6岁、7~8岁、11~12岁儿童以及大学生为被试,让他们分别在获得情境和失去情境中进行风险决策,以考察儿童的风险决策发展特点。结果显示:(1)在获得情境中,5~6岁组、7~8岁组和大学生组被试冒险、保守决策各占50%左右,11~12)组被试保守决策占60%左右。(2)在失去情境中,所有被试的冒险决策均多于保守决策,但成人的冒险决策更明显。(3)与获得情境相比,在失去情境中儿童更倾向于冒险决策,偏好反转现象普遍存在。 The study was to explore how children make risk decisions. In the situation of gains or losses, 5-6-year-old, 7-8-year- old, 11-12-year-old children and undergraduates were investigated. The results indicated: (1) In the situdation of gains, risk decision was equivalent to riskless decision; however, the riskless decisions of l 1 - 12-year-old children took up 60% ; (2) In the situation of losses, the participants made more risk decisions to avoid loss; moreover, the adults made more risk decisions than the children; (3) Compared to the situation of gains, children made more risk decisions, and preference reversion existed widely.
作者 陈英和 李慧
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期1031-1034,共4页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 全国教育科学规划国家重点项目(ABA050001) 国家自然科学基金项目(30770729) 北京市哲学社会科学规划项目(06BaJY010)
关键词 儿童 风险决策 冒险 保守 children, risk decision, risk, riskless
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