
工读学校学生“刷新”实验研究 被引量:2

An Experimental Research About Reform School Students' Updating Ability
摘要 本研究采用条件联想学习实验,木块敲击实验和n—back三个刷新任务,以同龄初中生与工读学校学生为被试进行比较,结果表明两者之间存在显著差异,工读学校学生的刷新能力低于普通生。工读学校学生刷新能力的缺陷,显示出他们的执行功能低于普通生。 The experimental research uses three updating response tasks, namely, conditional associative learning test, the block- tapping task, and n-back. The study made a comparison between middle school students and reform school students. The results showed significant differences between different groups. Reform school students' updating ability was lower than that of ordinary student. The reform school students' updating ability exhibited a poorer performance in executive functions, which showed their executive functions were lower than those of the general student.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期1260-1262,1225,共4页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 华东师范大学优秀博士生培养基金资助
关键词 执行功能 刷新 条件联想学习实验 木块敲击实验 n—back executive functions, updating, conditional associative learning test, the block-tapping task, n-back
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