长洲水利枢纽横跨三江两岛,枢纽主要建筑物由电站厂房、混凝土泄水闸、混凝土重力坝、船闸、鱼道、开关站及碾压土石坝组成,是一座低水头、大流量的河床径流式水电站。水库正常蓄水位20.6 m,总库容56.0亿m3。通航建筑物采用双线单级船闸(1×2000 t+1×1000 t级)。挡水建筑物采用混凝土闸坝、混凝土重力坝和碾压土石坝。河床式厂房装设15台单机45 MW的灯泡贯流式机组,总装机容量630 MW,多年平均发电量30.14亿kW.h。
Changzhou Hydraulic Complex is a runoff river power station with low head and mass flow, built in the river bed by crossing three rivers and two islands. It is mainly composed of such structures as power house, concrete discharge sluice, concrete gravity dam, ship lock, fish way, switch yard and RCC earth-rock filled dam. Its reservoir has a normal pool level of 20.6m and a total storage capacity of 5.6billion m3. Navigation structure is a double-line single ship lock (1 × 2000t + 1 × 1000t). Concrete gate dam, concrete gravity dam and RCC earth-rock filled dam are built for retaining water. The power house in river channel is equipped with 15 bulb tubular units with an installed capacity of 45MW for each, a total installed capacity of 630MW, and an average annual energy output of 3014.68million kW·h.
Hongshui River
comprehensive utilization
engineering geology
general layout of complex
Changzhou HydraulicComplex