In views of the problem of watered-out layer interpretation anomaly for newly-drilled well in the block of polymer flooding, through comparing of well logging data between before and after polymer flooding and even the analysis of cored well data, the paper studies the changing laws of reservoir characteristics and well logging response after polymer flooding, and then discovers that the value of resistance curve of deep three-lateral logging is not reduced by water flooding but increased on the contrary; amplitude values of spontaneous potential logs lower down a bit. The influence of well logging anomaly on logging interpretation displays as follows : the degree of water flooding is rather lower. By integrating with reservoir characteristics changes before and after polymer flooding and the studies of rock electricity features of polymer flooded oil layer, the principal reason causing well logging response change is the remained polymer in pores. Through the above studies, the identifying formula of logging response anomaly, resetting map plate of well logging response and watered-out layer interpretation correcting method have been established, so the interpretation accuracy after polymer flooding has reached 85% , increasing 20% than before. The research results have been popularized in Lamadian Oilfield and furthermore have provided reliable evidence for polymer flooding effects, residual oil study after polymer flooding and the oil tapping.
Petroleum Geology & Oilfield Development in Daqing
watered-out layer interpretation
polymer flooding
well logging response anomaly
residual oil after polymer flooding