he aim of the study was to investigate the incidence of the ECG signs of atrial overload in hypertensive patients(HT) and its relationship to the state of the illness and cardiac function. ECG, mechanocardiogram and impedance cardiogram were performed in eightytwo HT and found P>0.10, P/P-R>1.6,P-S4 <140ms were more common (50%-73.2%) than PEP/LVET (46.3%) and DATI(29.1%). P/P-R=1.96±0.588 in Stage 1 of HT, 2.204±0.678 in Stage 2 showed that P/P-R had a definite relationship to the stage of disease (P<0.05). For those P-S4 were abnormal the PEP/LVET was increased and DATI decreased. All of these showed a simultaneity in ECG signs of atrial overload embodied the abnormal diastolic function of ventricle. In further analyses, P(ECG), A(ACG) and S4(PCG) may be changed but not keeping synchronous, so they can not be replaced with each other.
Bulletin of Hunan Medical University