目的了解某市市售牛奶及其制品中二(口恶)英类化合物污染情况。方法于2007年2—6月采集某市市售液体牛奶和奶粉(各5份),用高分辨气相色谱-高分辨双聚焦磁式质谱联用仪(HRGC-HRMS)定量检测样品中的二(口恶)英及多氯联苯水平。采用索式抽提装置、FMS 自动纯化系统对市售液体牛奶及奶粉样品中的二(口恶)英(PCDD/Fs)及多氯联苯(PCBs)组分进行纯化和富集,采用同位素稀释法,以 HRGC/HRMS 联用仪检测。结果奶粉和液体牛奶的总 TEQ[∑(PCDD/Fs+PCBs)]平均值分别是0.43 pg/g 脂肪和3.83 pg/g 脂肪,中位数分别是0.34 pg/g 脂肪和2.04 pg/g 脂肪。所有奶样的总 TEQ[∑(PCDD/Fs+PCBs)]均值是2.13 pg/g 脂肪,中位数是0.815 pg/g 脂肪。本次调查的所有样品的平均总 TEQ[∑(PCDD/Fs+PCBs)]远低于欧盟所设定的奶品二(口恶)英类化合物的限量标准。受试样品中除了两种液体牛奶样品二(口恶)英类化合物总 TEQ 超过欧盟限量标准外,其他液体牛奶和奶粉样品二(口恶)英及多氯联苯含量远低于欧盟的限量标准。但是,液体牛奶的平均二(口恶)英浓度明显高于奶粉样品。结论本次采集的市售牛奶及其制品存在二(口恶)英类化合物的污染。
Objective To know the levels of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzo-p-furan (PCDFs) and polychlorinated biphenyl(PCBs) in milk and milk powder. Methods From Feb.2007 to Jun. 2007, the milk and milk powder samples were collected and PCDDs, PCDFs and PCBs were extracted from the samples by Soxhlet extraction, cleaned up by FMS and quantified by HRGC-HRMS, using isotope dilution methodology. Results PCDD/Fs and PCBs were detected in all samples. The mean levels of PCDD/Fs and dl-PCBs TEQ in the milk powder were 0.43 pg/g lipid (median: 0.34 pg/g lipid), and in the packed milk were 3.83pg/g) lipid (median: 2.04 pg/g lipid). The mean levels of PCDD/Fs and dI-PCBs TEQ in all samples were 2.13 pg/g lipid (median: 0.815 pg/g lipid). The levels of PCDD/Fs and dioxin-like PCBs in the detected samples were far below the limitation of EU except of two milk samples, and the levels of PCDD/Fs and dioxin-like PCBs were higher in the packed milk than those in the miIk powder. Conclusion Some of the milk and milk powder in the investigated city has been polluted by polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins(PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzo-p-furan(PCDFs) and polychlorinated biphenyl(PCBs).
Journal of Environment and Health