在无线射频技术中,一般均会涉及到经过天线向空中辐射射频功率的问题。通常情况下有关功率的概念是简单而又清晰的,但是经过天线这一环节之后,情况变得有些复杂。人们常常将erp (等/有效辐射)功率与eirp(等/有效全向辐射)功率的物理意义混淆,并造成误解。在天线的增益描述方面也存在相类似的情况,天线增益的单位有dBd与dBi,两者之间的含义差别,常混淆不清。本文将在模型定义的基础上,对天线的辐射功率及相关单位进行分析;详细讨论有关等效全向辐射功率eirp与等效辐射功率erp的概念与相互关系;在引入点源全向辐射天线、半波偶极子辐射天线及参考天线的概念后,详细讨论天线增益单位dBd与dBi定义的来历及其换算关系以达到明析物理概念。正确掌握与运用erp/eirp和dBd/dBi的概念,有助于为RFID读写器设计提供一个清晰的输出功率参照。
Some problems of radiation radio frequency power sent to the air by antennas are usually involved in the technology of RFID.Generally speaking,some concepts on power are both simple and clear,but great changes will be taken place after an important section of the antennas.People usually confuse some physical meanings of erp and eirp,and misunderstand the both concepts.How to correctly master and make use of the concepts of erp/eirp and dBd/dBi will help to provide a clear reference of output power for RFID s readers.